Iraq Plastprintpack

Iraq Plast & Agro Pack 2024 in Erbil are on track to surpass all previous editions and become the largest plastics & agrofood event in Iraq to date. The overwhelming demand has prompted the organizers, So Fuar and fairtrade, to use both halls of the Erbil International Fairground to offer...

Plastprintpack Nigeria

The 10th edition of plastprintpack & agrofood Nigeria the best ever Nigeria is the second largest investor in plastics technology and one of the three largest importers of packaging technology in Africa The Nigerian Agrofood & Plastprintpack industry will meet again for the highlight of the year. Organized by the...


Pharmapack is the European hub for the pharma packaging and drug delivery device industry. Taking place annually in Paris, the event unites over 5,000 attendees and 360+ exhibitors for two days of innovation, networking and education.